Parker Waichman LLP

One Killed and More Injured in a New York City Fire Truck and Van Collision

January 5, 2024
Dev Team

A serious traffic accident involving a fire truck and a van carrying people with special needs occurred in Dongan Hills, Staten Island, New York. The New York City truck accident took place at the intersection of Richmond Road and Burgher Avenue when a New York City Fire Department Truck was racing to a call and crashed into the van, killing one passenger and seriously injuring more. This tragedy occurred in March 2011.

The New York City Fire Department belonged to Ladder 81 while the van was from the agency Lifestyles for the Disabled, and was carrying nine people all with special needs and between 20 and 50 years of age. According to police and fire officers at the scene, one of the victims was removed from the van with fatal injuries while hydraulic rescue tools had to be used on another.

All nine people that were on board the Lifestyles for the Disabled van were taken to Staten Island hospital where one was pronounced dead. Two patients were in found to be in critical condition.

There were six firefighters on board the truck when the Staten Island traffic accident occurred, all of which suffered minor injuries but were still able to act quickly by providing first aid to the injured people on board the van.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident and were not at fault, you could be entitled to compensation. Please fill out our free case evaluation form or call us on 1-800 LAW INFO (1-800-529-4636) today for more information.