Parker Waichman LLP


verdict was awarded to a student who sustained serious injuries as he was attempting to board a city bus when the bus driver closed the door on his foot and drove away. He sustained a crush injury to his left foot requiring open reduction and internal fixation, additional surgery, and skin grafting and was hospitalized for two months. 


verdict with a subsequent settlement was reached on behalf of the family of a 63-year-old pedestrian who was crossing the street when he was struck by a police vehicle.


settlement was reached involving a 45-year-old store owner struck by a commercially owned vehicle causing injuries and undergoing three surgeries.  


settlement involving a 30-year-old laborer who was helping to load a rented truck when he was struck by the vehicle when the truck moved in reverse without warning. His injuries included fractures of the right proximal tibia and fibula requiring open reduction and internal fixation with a Grosse-Kempf rod, pseudoarthrosis of the right tibia and right ankle, and a foot fixed at 30 degrees.


settlement on behalf of a school bus driver transporting students who was involved in an accident when her bus was rear-ended by a car. She sustained injuries to her head, neck, wrist, and lower back requiring surgical intervention.


verdict was awarded to a 34-year-old building superintendent who was hit by a car after another vehicle lost control due to a large oil spill in a fast-food parking lot. The operator of the vehicle lost control, striking a parked car, which then struck the client, who was sitting on a retaining wall. Injuries included a crushed right leg and fractures of the left tibia and fibula, requiring six operations including skin and bone grafting, as well as stomach laceration and severe scarring.


settlement was reached on behalf of a family of four who were all seriously injured when their minivan crashed into an overturned tractor trailer blocking both southbound lanes of traffic in upstate New York. The family’s toddler daughter suffered brain damage with cerebral spastic triplegia of her right arm, right leg, and left leg, a seizure disorder, inability to communicate, and fractures of the right clavicle, right femur, right distal radius, and right ulna. The mother suffered a burst fracture of the L-1 vertebra requiring open reduction and internal fixation with two Harrington rods, right iliac bone grafting, spinal fusion at T10-12, and foraminotomy at L-3; a displaced fracture of the 12th dorsal vertebra; three fractured ribs; and fracture of the left distal ulna with malunion, which required open reduction and internal fixation. The father suffered a displaced fracture of the right distal radius, requiring closed reduction. The 4-year-old son suffered psychological injuries and soft tissue injuries to the forehead, left leg, wrist, and arm.


settlement was reached on behalf of a Con Edison supervisor who was rear-ended by a repair truck while in a company van. He required three spinal surgeries: a laminectomy, a discectomy, and a spinal fusion.


a middle-aged taxi driver was struck by a car as he attempted to open the rear door of his cab causing him to sustain serious internal injuries, multiple fractures, neurological damage, and psychological trauma. He required extensive surgical procedures and will need additional surgery in the future.


settlement was reached on behalf of a salesman who was injured when his car was rear-ended on the New Jersey Turnpike. His injuries included brain damage with memory loss and seizures, fractured vertebrae at C-4, cracked ribs, a fractured scapula, hemopneumothorax, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


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