Parker Waichman LLP

In 2020, there were over 13 truck crashes per million people in the United States, according to the Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This is a 10% increase from 2010. With truck accidents on the rise, more and more victims need attorneys.

But how do you know how to find the best truck accident attorney?

If you or someone you love has been in a truck accident, our team at Truck Accidents Law Firm understands you may be dealing with life-changing injuries, pain, and grief. You require an attorney who knows what they’re doing and approaches each case with sensitivity.

Finding the best truck accident attorney is essential to your case. Ensure you take the time and research to find an attorney who will help you pursue compensation efficiently.

When You Need a Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accidents come with devastating aftereffects. Given the severity of injuries and property damage sustained from truck accidents, finding an attorney to represent you is essential.

If you’re recovering from a truck accident or grieving a lost loved one, you shouldn’t take on the task of pursuing compensation alone. A truck accident attorney provides support and experience to help you seek damages for your suffering.

Truck accident attorneys will start by helping you understand your rights. They can also gather the evidence you need for your claim, such as:

  • Medical records
  • Police report
  • Surveillance footage
  • The truck’s black box
  • Witness statements

From there, they can determine who is liable for the accident and help you understand your avenues for compensation. They will negotiate with insurance companies and represent you in a trial if it comes to that.

Steps to Take Before Your Search

Before beginning your search for an attorney, there are steps to take immediately after a truck accident to maximize your potential for compensation.

Do what you can to stay calm after the accident. If you can, check yourself and others for injuries and call 911. Seek medical attention immediately, even if you don’t think you need it. The medical records will act as evidence in your case.

Taking pictures or having someone else take pictures of the accident scene, along with details about the exact date, time, and location, is important. Of course, you also need to exchange information with the truck driver when you are both able.

Never admit fault at the scene, even if you think you might be partially responsible for the accident. Don’t post information on social media, sign medical release forms, or discuss details with insurance companies until you’ve spoken to an attorney.

How to Find the Best Truck Accident Attorney

Finding a law firm with the best truck accident attorney doesn’t have to be difficult. Follow the steps below to find the attorney for you.

1. Know What You’re Searching For

The first thing you need to do is narrow down your list. Make sure you look for truck accident attorneys specifically.

Working with a personal injury lawyer or car accident attorney can limit your case. Personal injury firms cover a lot of ground, which doesn’t leave much room for individualized service. You might think car accident attorneys are close enough, but there are major differences between a truck and a car accident.

Truck accidents come with uniquely severe injuries and damages. Look for an attorney who knows this process well.

2. Know Your Resources

Knowing what to search for is one thing; knowing how to do so is another. The most efficient way to find attorneys is through the internet. Start by using search engines like Google or Bing, which should bring up truck accident lawyer websites.

Lawyer websites provide specific information about who works there, what they practice, and their past cases. You can also turn to sites like Yelp for reviews. Search to see whether law firms have a social media presence to see how they present themselves online.

3. Evaluate Their Experience

Once you’ve narrowed down a list of potential firms and attorneys, investigate their experience. How long have they been helping truck accident victims? How many attorneys are at their firm, and how many cases do they take on a year?

You should also have access to their previous cases. Have they taken on big trucking companies before? Do they have the experience to file a claim for you or represent you in trial?

A commercial truck driver comes with a big company and big lawyers behind it. Their attorneys have extensive experience, and so should yours.

4. Research Their Reputation

All law firms will claim to be the best on their website. You need a third-party, objective point of view to ensure you’re choosing the right attorney. Look for testimonials and referrals for the law firm on and off their website.

Look at their recent cases. Are they similar to yours? Were they successful? What is their success rate?

Look for referrals that mention things like good communication, response time, strategies, and outcomes. When doing this research, cover as much ground as possible. Everyone’s experience will differ, but you can gather a general idea of each law firm’s values through reviews.

5. Schedule a Consultation

After using your research to choose an attorney, schedule a consultation with them. Many firms offer a free initial consultation, in which you can experience different law firm approaches to your case.

During a free consultation, you’ll discuss the basics of your case. If you’re paying for the consultation, the attorney may offer legal advice and discuss your odds of a successful claim. You can also evaluate the attorney’s communication methods to determine their effectiveness.

Don’t be afraid to speak up in a consultation. This is about your experience, after all. Whether you want guidance regarding an insurance company’s settlement offer, you’re looking to file a personal injury claim, or you lost a family member and want to file a wrongful death claim, you are at the center of your case.

Ask questions like:

  • What was the last case you handled like mine, and how did it go?
  • What are your negotiation strategies?
  • How many clients do you currently have, and how do you manage your time between them?
  • Have your cases gone to court?
  • How much do you charge for your services?

Above all, trust your gut. If something feels off, there’s nothing wrong with going your separate ways after the consultation. If the connection is there, you can move on to the last phase.

6. Making the Final Decision

When you’re ready to make your decision official, you and your truck accident attorney will sign a contract to establish an attorney-client relationship. This document outlines all expectations for you and your attorney, including their fees.

Ask your attorney about any terms you don’t understand. They should be patient and answer everything clearly. When you’re certain you understand everything in the contract, you can sign and move forward with your case.

Types of Damages a Truck Accident Attorney Will Help You Recover

Once you’ve chosen an attorney, they will help you pursue the compensation you want. Truck accidents cause a devastating amount of medical bills, property damage, and, sometimes, funeral and burial costs.

A truck accident lawyer will help you seek compensatory damages for the accident. These can be broken down into two categories: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages represent your calculable financial losses, including:

  • Current and future medical costs
  • Funeral costs
  • Loss of income
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages account for intangible losses. These include the psychological effects of the accident, such as:

  • Grief
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disfigurement

In some cases, your attorney can help you seek punitive damages as well. Punitive damages are reserved for cases of gross negligence or intentional torts. In addition to compensating you for your accident, these damages punish the liable party.

Filing a Claim for a Truck Accident? Contact Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys

If you’re searching for the best truck accident attorney, look no further than Truck Accidents Law Firm. We are dedicated to helping truck accident victims seek compensation. When filing a claim for a truck accident, you need to start as quickly as possible to avoid waiting past the statute of limitations.

There’s no time to waste. Call one of the offices listed below to begin with a consultation or call us on
1-800 LAW INFO (1-800-529-4636) today for more information.

New York: 212-267-6700
Long Island: 800-529-4636
New Jersey: 973-323-3603
Florida: 239-390-1000