Parker Waichman LLP

Legal Help for Truck Accident Victims

January 13, 2024
Dev Team

A collision between a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle often has devastating consequences. Serious injuries and fatalities are far more common in accidents involving trucks because of the size and weight difference between a truck and the typical passenger vehicle. Even an SUV is no match for a large truck. Because of regulations covering the operation of commercial vehicles, truck accident cases are different than other motor vehicle accident cases. Victims of trucking accidents need the help of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to allow for the fullest possible recovery for the victim and family.

Often, the trucking company’s insurance carrier will want to settle an accident claim as quickly as possible, not allowing for the full costs of injuries sustained, lost wages, and other expenses. An attorney will gather the necessary information—accident reports, driver’s log, truck maintenance records and accident-related costs—to build a strong case on the victim’s behalf.

Factors Contributing to Truck Accidents

Multiple factors contribute to truck accidents. As in other motor vehicle accidents, truck accidents can involve driver impairment because of drugs and alcohol, excessive speed, and reckless driving. Impairment can be caused not only by illegal drugs but also by prescription drugs and even by common over-the-counter medications. Because a large truck is harder to control and requires greater distances to slow and stop than a smaller vehicle, any type of driver impairment can have more serious consequences. Large trucks cannot be maneuvered as quickly or sharply as passenger vehicles, making it more difficult, in many circumstances, for a truck to avoid a collision. After a collision, other drivers may have difficulty maneuvering around a disabled truck and they end up involved in a collision or vehicle pileup.

Truck drivers must abide by specific federal safety regulations when they are on the road. Common contributing factors in truck accidents often include:

  • Driving when fatigued
  • Reckless driving (especially during adverse weather conditions)
  • Defective equipment
  • Improperly secured loads or loads that exceed a truck’s maximum capacity
  • Unsafe passing

Fatigued driving is often a major factor in truck accidents. Despite strict regulations to ensure that truck drivers take adequate sleep breaks, many drivers are still fatigued when behind the wheel, and drowsiness or impaired alertness can have disastrous consequences. Most commercial drivers drive long hours, under pressure to deliver their loads on a strict schedule and make a quick turnaround.

Drivers face greater challenges operating large trucks. As noted above, it takes longer for a large truck to fully slow down or brake quickly. Therefore, it is crucial for a truck to maintain a proper distance from other vehicles and for the driver to exercise great caution when changing lanes. Truck drivers are trained to check blind spots to avoid sideswiping a smaller vehicle during a lane change.

When a driver or trucking company cuts corners on vehicle repair and maintenance, this can lead to equipment failure and result in an accident.

Truck accidents can result in devastating and disabling injuries to drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and even bystanders. Injuries can include brain and spinal cord injuries; sprains; fractures; abrasions; internal and soft tissue injuries, and burns. Some accidents result in death. Accident victims and their families can face enormous medical bills. Serious injuries often require multiple surgeries, lengthy hospital stays, outpatient treatments, and extended rehabilitation, both inpatient and outpatient. A lengthy recovery can mean lost wages and financial stress on the family, especially if the injured person is the major or sole breadwinner.

Our legal experts are available to offer free case evaluations, or simply answer any general questions you may have about your legal rights. Contact Truck Accidents Law Firm today if you or a loved one were involved in a trucking accident. You can call us on
1-800 LAW INFO (1-800-529-4636) today for more information.