Parker Waichman LLP

Truck Accident Lawyers

January 7, 2024
Dev Team

Have you been involved in a trucking accident that was not your fault? At Truck Accidents Law Firm, we understand that truck accidents can be extremely damaging, often resulting in serious physical injury and sometimes even death. That is why the lawyers and attorneys at our firm are offering free case evaluations to victims of truck accidents and their families.

Truck Accident Statistics

Every 16 minutes, someone in the United States is injured or killed in a truck accident. Truck accident victims often face debilitating injuries and financially crippling burdens. These injuries can impact victims and their families for years. If you or someone you love were hurt in a truck accident, know that a truck accident lawyer (Manhattan or anywhere else in New York), at Truck Accidents Law Firm fully understands the difficulties you face, and will do everything in their power to make sure you receive fair compensation for all of the injuries, medical costs, damages to property and other losses sustained.

Truck Accident Attorney – Legal Assistance

Large trucking companies employ scores of lawyers whose job it is to save the company money when an accident occurs – even at the expense of innocent accident victims. A victim dealing with a devastating injury, or a family grieving over a loved one lost to such a tragedy is generally ill-equipped to deal with what lawyers representing a trucking company are prepared to throw at them. Our experienced truck accident lawyers can protect you from the tactics trucking companies often employ to protect their profits.

No amount of money can truly make up for the suffering of truck accident victims and their families. But payment for lost wages, medical bills, and compensation for pain and suffering can go a long way in helping those dealing with such a tragic event get back on track.

Truck Accident Lawyers That Fight for You

That is why if you or a family member has been involved in a trucking accident in the NYC area including Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens may benefit from seeking legal aid. Please fill out an online form for a free case evaluation from one of our capable Manhattan, Queens, Long Island, Brooklyn, or Bronx truck accident attorneys. Contact us at 1-800 LAW INFO (1-800-529-4636) today for more information.