Parker Waichman LLP

Issues Faced by Victims of Truck Accidents

January 3, 2024
Dev Team

Truck accidents can result in devastating injuries to passengers, pedestrians, and riders in other vehicles. These include brain and spinal cord injuries, sprains, fractures, abrasions, internal and soft tissue injuries, burn injuries, and death. The victims of these accidents and their families face enormous medical bills, and are often too disabled to work. The truck accident lawyers at our firm know how these tragic events can devastate families and ruin lives. We are committed to helping our clients rebuild their lives, and will do everything legally possible to make sure truck accident victims are fully compensated for those at fault in a truck accident.

Every day people in the US are subject to motor vehicle accidents. In fact, a person dies in a motor vehicle accident every 12 minutes. This may seem hard to believe, but this is the sad truth. For instance, in NYC, the nation’s most populous city, car accidents are the leading cause of death for persons under 30.

Whether it is yourself who has been injured, or a family member, our truck and auto accident attorneys in New York City will be committed to your case and will fight for you in court if needed. Motor accidents may involve various vehicles, namely cars, motorcycles, buses, bicycles, and trucks. We will handle any type of auto accident claim and consult you on your specific case. Read more about truck accidents in this article. We hope this information will serve as a warning to reckless truck drivers and will be handy for everyone who has ever been involved in a truck accident.

The victims of truck accidents and their families face a staggering number of medical, financial, and legal issues. Trucking companies know this, and they employ armies of lawyers to take advantage of victims’ fragile emotional and physical states. Trucking company lawyers will claim that they are available to assist victims and their families, but make no mistake – their true purpose is to convince injured victims to accept low-ball settlements and sometimes no settlement at all.

When necessary, some trucking companies willingly employ deceptive and intimidating tactics to achieve their goals. That is why it is important that victims and their families have an experienced truck accident lawyer on their side to protect their legal rights. Our truck accident lawyers know how to deal with these companies, and will make sure that our clients’ needs are taken care of.

The injured victims of truck accidents might never be able to work again, and in the case where a fatality occurs, the family of a victim is often left without an important means of financial support. The innocent victims of truck accidents should never have to worry about money while they work to heal their physical and emotional wounds. Our truck accident lawyers are committed to making sure the financial needs of these victims are met.

We Help Victims of Truck Accidents

If you or your loved one was involved in a truck accident and sustained serious injuries or worse, contact us online to have your case reviewed by our truck accident lawyers. Please fill out our free case evaluation form 1-800 LAW INFO (1-800-529-4636) today for more information.